Become a millionaire not for the million dollars, but for what it will make of you to achieve it.~ Jim Rohn
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Join The Academy!Some of our happy breadwinner students say...

Joining breadwinner academy has transformed my life. I’m on the path of earning my 1st million in the next 5 years and have a clear plan in place that I’m following. Being a 66 yr old woman enterpreneur I didn’t have a financial plan and way to see how a comfortable retirement was possible. But now I have that plan and my business is thriving on Etsy selling keepsake stuffed animals to people who have lost a loved one. The education and mentoring at Breadwinner Academy from Trent has changed my life and highly recommend anyone to join.

My online real estate business has achieved new heights after joining Breadwinner Academy. I’ve learned how to differentiate my business among all the other investors so my customers see the real value of my services. I’ve grown my business to over the million dollar mark now because of what I’ve learned from my mentor and coach Trent. How to build a brand has been critical. Getting backlinks to my site was invaluable to learn in getting my pages ranking higher in Google to attract the right people. I have systems of automation in my business and investments now which were almost non-existant before. It’s a no-brainer to join the academy if you want to seriously master the money game.

Stop what you’re doing and just join the academy! Your financial life and mindset will change for the better forever like it has mine. Before I wasn’t even aware of what I was spending every month but now I’ve learned how to track my finances, do a wise budget without feeling deprived of anything fun or enjoyable in life. My master breadwinner coach Trent Jessee taught me how to use myself as a unique niche in my fitness coaching business for women in Greece and now I’m making $6,800 income every month! I’m so grateful! I also have a plan now to confidently earn my first million consistently building my online coaching business and investing wisely through automated savings and growth. None of those financial habits existed before mentoring with Trent. If you want to get on the correct and best path to making your 1st or even next million dollars you won’t go wrong joining the academy!